Sunday, October 23, 2011
How tall is your Mountain?

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Something to Believe in
No matter how many times you think it over and imagine, it is, somehow, always better. To feel it, touch it and live it at last, and then what?
Some people say that after you reach the top there’s only one way to go, down. Others wait for the bad wave coming, after all its life and it is, indeed, a roller coaster ride. I, for once, say at least these minds know what to think. I find myself lost inside a trap of wonderful things, too guilty to step out and exhausted to try and understand the knot inside my heart.
This year has come so fast and while we’re only half trough it, it seems like five years went by, and although I am so very humble and thankful, I begin to hang in infinite threads of thoughts that take me nowhere but the present moment, and why?
Do we always need something to hang on to, or can we, in this case, I, just let go?
Too much of a good thing can really turn your world up-side-down. I just pray and I do pray that I never take any day for granted, no matter where this road takes me, if it takes me anywhere, that is.
Good night to you, lost in your own world, out there.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Where's your heart?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It takes a riot or two...
Sometimes it takes a riot, inside your mind, deep in your heart, out on the streets, to shake that little spark awake and create a fire.
For all the love that you know you have, all the lost reasons and days gone by, for all the seawall walks, the pages written, the countless laughter and tear drops, the bigger plan, the reason for it all, and every step taken.
There is a bigger reason, there is a master plan. I am not here by an accident but by a blessing. Countless prayers, countless thoughts, a love bigger than anyone could ever understand, I am here. This is where I belong.
I once asked, and many times again, that may nothing or no one take me away from the right path, not the easier one, but the right one. And even among good words...came sharp knives, and here I am, one more time, having one thing assure, among a mess that is life.
It still makes me smile to look at your majestic mountains; it brings me peace to stare at the most beautiful skyline of nature and city life mixing together in complete harmony, your rain makes it all greener when the sun comes out again.
I love you Vancouver, and I will never let you go. How your streets make me feel at home, I will never know. How your shady trees embrace me and your heartbeat under my feet brings me new life is a mystery. But I thank you for being, for me, the only place I call HOME.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
It is a wall I see?
What do you do when you get to the top of the mountain? Do you reach for higher ground or you dive free falling? Do we always have to have something out of the reach or can we just set a smooth sail?
These days the floor I am standing on seems to be out of shape, moving under my feet and swapping me all over the place, and I am starting to wonder how many times one can actually keep standing when all you want to do is lay there.
I am not sure what I am yapping on, but it’s been blurry. I am finally on the end of a long thread and I can see another one coming. So here I am, trying to pick up the pieces of a long life battle and a long way home. Two completely separate paths and only one way to go.
Suddenly everything I ever wanted seems to be crumbling on, but only inside of me.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Here We Are!
Two years on the dot.
Bring on the rest of my life!
Can't help but smile at the Heavens above...
ps.too much on my mind lately,
way too much to scrabble down.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Gimme a "It's Almost Here" !
at Granville and Georgia,
Its been a long run, a long time with too many words and not enough clarity to write them down. This new year has brought a breath of fresh air. More than half way there in the run, finally.
The day I imagined and worked on my mind for so long is coming by, and everything I've been through seems to fade away, just like when you hold your baby in your arms you forget all the pain,...
Who cares? What happened and the hoops I had to jump, who cares the tears, the sleepless nights, the dread phone calls, every single step of the way has brought me here, and it's mine, I fought for it, I screamed, cried and died a bit for it... and heck it feels good!... To say it's almost mine... I can taste it.
As for the rest, I am thankful for the strenght I have in me, and for the friends that pick up the pieces when I fall, for my family and the skies above.
I feel You move my life everyday.