Thursday, July 30, 2009

A passing glance?

It doesn’t matter what you believe in life, or if you believe in anything. There will come a time that you will think about it, you will reach for something bigger than you, even if it is to blame it. Universe, karma, science, destiny, gods, whatever it is that you think is out there you will unquestionably reach out, kneel or doubt.

We usually reach for it when we are powerless before a mountain we need to overcome or when nothing else we tried worked out, and all these other moments in life when we need a hand or a push to move forward. Been there.

Personal enough, I am not here to impose or argue but I believe in God, I believe in things we can not see, like love. I believe there’s a power inside us and that we can do the impossible. And I am thankful for that each and every moment.

After going to the Rockies this summer and looking at the clearest water you’d think it was painted with a crayon and the outstanding mountains all spread out together in a valley surrounded by little rivers with calm water, you begin to think how amazing is the one who created all that.

The most amazing scenario it’s like walking into a painting in the wall and all the immensity of the overwhelming nature makes you feel so small in front of a world of giants. I love it. How good it is to feel defenseless yet protected. Trying to take it all in I came back from this trip appreciating more and more everyday I have to live.

One step at the time.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

But mom, everyone else is doing it!

Ok. I confess that was never my motto in life, I never cared of what anyone around me was doing, ever. I didn’t have to have my first kiss just because everyone else already had it, or to wear the clothes all the other girls were wearing, or any of the life clichés that happen mostly when you are a teenager. I’ve been pressured to go faster but that didn’t make me move an inch ahead of what I wanted to in any sense of my life.

In fact, when I was a child I had my own little world, most of the times I wasn’t even aware of what was going on with the outsiders. I always had my own pace, my own style, my own principles, my own way of thinking. I was never the most popular kid, but I was certainly the most loved.

It’s funny to look back now and realize that so little had changed. I am not a little girl anymore, although my heart sometimes acts like it, but I still have my own world, it’s bigger, it has more taste to it and a kink of reality because that’s just good sense! It’s got plans, dreams, songs, speeches to myself, the moments I treasure, sunshine and even some bubbles.

Some might say it’s naïve but I like to have it there. It’s not as full as butterflies as it used to be, it has some bumps around the edge and sometimes it fades to gray, and the more I think of it, the closer to the real thing I get. Maybe I never had a different world; maybe I just have different eyes. Maybe I chose to look at the glass as half full. Maybe I like to lay down on the grass and look at the blue skies and just breathe in my life in the very moment. Maybe I do sing along with the songs in my head and I do smell the flowers and appreciate each day. Maybe I do still wait…

So I guess the world is a reflection of what you make out of it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Canada!

I was a volunteer at the Canada Place and Canada Day Parade this last July 1st and although I might still not feel my toes, it was so much fun! I met people from all over the world and got to give away at least a thousand Canada Flags, it was a good day to celebrate this country that open many doors in many lives around the globe. I hope I get to help in many more Canada days to come!

I believe everyone should volunteer, should give some of their time to help around, give a helping hand, do whatever it’s needed to help, as someone I look up to a lot said someday “one soul at a time” and if we all do a little a whole lot can be done! So what if you don’t get paid, it opens doors for you in many other ways! Plus it’s a great feeling to be able to be useful out there in the real world.

I am happy. I am still trying to sense all these feeling rushing trough me, but I guess once you take one first step towards the journey of your life you’ll never be the same. It takes courage to face it but it’s gotta be worth it. Very proud of Patty and Renan for being willing to make the difference in their lives and take the difference with them and pass on to others. I am happy for both of you, after all you’re my people <3

O Canada!Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,O Canada,
we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.