From turning off the TV when you’re out of the room to taking a walk instead of the car, you are already doing something to save the planet for the next generations to come, I confess sometimes commodity keeps me from doing all I can, but I do, indeed, try to do a bit everyday to conserve all this beauty that I love so much!
We did have a bit of a reminder, couple weeks ago, when a “sneeze from God” as the newspapers here were referring to got all the European flights grounded and the economy shaken, events like that come to show us how fragile and small we are before this massive planet we live in.
The perfect day for me is to walk on the green grass barefoot staring at the oceans and mountains, to lay down and breath the fresh clean air, and I don’t ever want to take this all for granted, and I do want my children, grandchildren and on… to have the same green days I have right now… so with that in mind… Happy Earth Day! It’s everyone’s home.
Greenest City!