It came crumbling down… knocking every one off their feet, taking the leaves, the hats, the thoughts, the fears, and somehow shining on all the blurry, yet very much visible, past. Who’d think it had that much power?
It has been a while, and as time heals, it also covers up with dust whatever is underneath. But that does not mean it disappears. It just sits still, as a sleeping rose with a thorn that still aches as you get closer, or when someone gets closer to it… leave it. Do not touch it.
But when it comes a time to face it, blow up the dust and let the sun shine on it, come out to the open, it takes courage and a whole lot of faith to stand up and change what has been for so long.
When the reality feels surreal and it all tastes bitter sweet, when you’re not sure if that’s what you even want, not even slightly, but you’re glad to be over with. When after years and years you stand tall and realize God had a bigger plan after all, somehow all the faith you needed to have to get there, sparkles on a higher kind of faith, the one that can literally move mountains, a faith where you rest assure, there was and there is a place and time for everything under the skies.
It feels weird to be here, writing those words down, as thankful as I am to feel this free, I have been free all along, and the feeling that hit me afterwards only came to show I already knew that, how bright can something get? To be sure of the ground you stand on and to want to stand on it for life is a feeling I wish many around me could experience. And as for today, more than ever, the best part of going… is to come back home.