Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Within Me
I find Christmas to be so exciting, if you look beyond the craziness of the malls and people rushing to get last minute gift, it is beautiful. The lights, the music, people seem to glow a bit; there’s good food, presents, hugs, family and all the good time. There’s also a bit of nostalgia for me. I feel kind of bummed for some strange reason, emotional I guess.
I remember when everyone used to live at one place, just this sentence got me choked, my grandparents, parents, sister, cousins, uncles and aunts, everyone at one place, together. It was loud, there was running and laughter and I miss it. My grandpa dressed as Santa and since we never had a chimney he would jump over the gate, chuckle, good times, I can still smell it.
Christmas is still good, there’s still family but it’s always different, didn’t help my mom set up the tree this year, the whole family is not together anymore, at least not entirely, and I know I brought that upon me, far to be complaining, but I guess the little annoying pain in my chest that came with December will set camp for the holidays, and as much as I try I can't get rid of it. I’m homesick, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, or isn’t it?
How littlest of me to think like that, then some thoughts hit me big time, I am where I wanted to be but the pieces I spread around call me home at this time. Yesterday morning I woke up with the strangest feeling of missing out, and here I am living my choices I made, it’s my responsibility, just mine. It might sound a bit morbid but I, then was with someone that was feeling the hit much more than me, the person she misses will never spend another Christmas with her, and that was just like cold water, right there to lift my spirit and even make me feel bad for feeling the way I feel.
It will be sunny tomorrow, and I hope the real meaning of this beautiful day can wash away all this I’ve been feeling.
Merry Christmas! Be close to who you love.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hear! Hear!
Then I took off, saw my little girl, met amazing people, re-met some others, got close and apart, made some choices and let them go, started school again, had visitors from all over the place, had one of the best summers, seen Vancouver in all the seasons over and over, had high happy days and also meltdowns, found out who I can really count on, said goodbye for real, had scary moments, faced my choices like never before.
Worth it. It’s good to be back, good to be home where I wanted to be since the beginning, be careful what you wish for (so they say) I am happy in my own skin and it’s good to know where I step when my feet are on the ground. So here’s for my last post of this year, may 2010 bring whatever it has to bring. I’m ready and kicking, hear hear!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Cleanse and Rinse
After a while you start to get used to some things and people in life, and we need to be careful not to settle for the not-so-great situations because when you finally break free and come out to breathe you realize that a way-out is all you needed. This all came up to me while I was packing and realized how much stuff one can accumulate, things never wore, things you keep just in case or because there’s some feeling related to it.
As much as you want to throw them out or pass it along, some things you just can’t get rid of and you know I started to think that’s just as it is in life. Honestly there are some moments you can’t let go even when you should and some people that are no longer in your life but still, somehow come up in your mind once in a while.
Even tough it sounds cliché, my resolution this year will be to let go of anything or anyone that is holding me back somehow, in any aspect or area of my life. More than I already do so. I am no longer keeping any clutter.
"No I'm not color blind
I know the world is black and white
Try to keep an open mind but...
I just can't sleep on this tonight
Stop this train I want to get off
and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in... "
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Great White North and I

Once upon a time (because every good story begins like this) I wanted to experience life in a different country, so I went for an interchange in the US for high school and fell in love with English, so everything in my life pretty much revolved around it, I started my major in University in Arts and Languages and also started to teach. A little later I wanted to travel again (because just like a tattoo once you set foot in a different land you can never stop) so I started to look into many au pair programs, because all I wanted was to spend a year away from home and by myself.
I found a website, nowadays known by many, and started to browse for families all over the world, I didn’t really have a specific place I wanted to be, I just knew I wanted to go. Finally I decided I was going to New Zealand to spend a year with this super cool family, I was very excited and making plans, it was kinda hard to choose, I was between Auckland, London or Melbourne. But I had made my decision and the family sent over half of the money for the airfare.
Then all of the sudden I get this e-mail, “family from Canada has just added you to their hot list” (I bet now you know what website I’m talking about) I knew nothing about Canada, apart from the fact that it was cold, and above the US… I already had a position so I didn’t pay much attention to it. So I opened my e-mail and there was an e-mail from the same family, talking a little about their family, their life and at the very bottom there was a picture of a little girl.
Now, needleless to say I sent the money back to the New Zealand family and took a flight to Canada. And it was far the best decision I’ve ever made. I stayed in Canada for a while and it changed my life. It changed me for better, my way of see the world, my attitude, my goals in life; it opened my eyes to a world that I didn’t know it was out there.
Eventually I had to go back to Brazil to close some doors I left opened, and although against my wish it was good to go back, to make sure this was really what I wanted. To finish what I had to and give it another start.
Few words: Now after my open letter, lots of things changed in my life during my time back home, and although Vancouver is still the same (except now we have Canada line and the Olympics!) I am not. I changed, I learned and grew up in many ways, and I just found out about it when I was back here. What use to be essential now is a choice, what used to be ideal now is a point of view, so much less mean so much more nowadays, I’ve seen more and I learned how to find the good everywhere you are. I’ve also learned in a very hard way that once you go wherever once you come back it’s never the same, and you will always, without a doubt, miss someone all the time. But that should not stop you from going. You will always have sunshine but also the days you cry with the rain, nothing is certain in life but are the product of your choices.
Few things I am sure in life, one of them is CANADA!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pieces and Crumbles
Among everything that life throws at you, some will lift you up and some will break you down, and as we learn to call it as we see, we also start to build up on all these pieces of us that are either high or on the floor. All of the sudden you have your handful and then what? Scream, cry, sleep on it, storm off, over-think, whatever gets you kicking and back on your feet.
It all depends on how you look at it; some say that for those who feel, life is tragic and for those who think, it’s comic. Maybe we all need to find the balance between the comical and tragic, if there’s a line it’s a silver one. When life sucks to its max and that tiny little cloud seems to be raining only down your head, shake it off, look around it rains down on everyone, no exceptions… while we wait for the sun we’re gonna have to get wet, for some things there’s really no way out. Grab your umbrella and step outside because life doesn't wait for the weather to get better!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
FEAR, what a little thing?
It’s been windy and you can see the leaves flying about from the trees and getting stuck everywhere… but what’s really going around these days more than the H1N1 flu is the fear of it. No one seems to know exactly what to do about the flu shot, and as the line ups at the clinics get longer and more people get symptoms, the things just get worst. The swine flu pandemonium is out! While some believe that’s some government knack to approve medical, others believe it’s the pharmaceutical area that want the money, everyone including myself keep going back and forth in this nonsense.
Side effects? No more so than any other shot I’d say. I guess after listening to what many people have to say I’ve made up my mind and I will go for it and get a poke. If there’s a way to protect your body… than why make it go through it?
More information about the H1N1
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Maaah Cranky Bear!

I still remember the little blond hair miss attitude 3-year-old that came into my life and turned my days into sunshine, I can still hear her little steps coming down stairs to my room holding her Pooh Bear, to wake up with her sleeping by my side because she had a bad dream, her awesome personality bigger than herself and if there’s one thing she taught me is that love can overcome oceans. It really can.
She’s one of the main reasons I am back here now and she’s part of me and will always be. So happy birthday to the love of my life! I can’t wait to see you everyday in a little while…
Thursday, October 29, 2009
U2 Concert, Vancouver October 28th 2009

The only baggage that you can bring...
And love is not the easy thing...
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind
And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on, walk on
What you got they can't steal it
No they can't even feel it
Walk on, walk on...
Stay safe tonight
You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on, walk on
What you've got they can't deny it
Can't sell it, or buy it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Home... hard to know what it is if you've never had one
Home... I can't say where it is but I know I'm going home
That's where the heart is
I know it aches
How your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Leave it behind
You got to leave it behind
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you feel
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason
All that you sense
All that you speak
All you dress-up
All that you scheme...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
to mate or not to mate?
Don’t get me wrong, as a friend recently said to me I am a relationship person, but I love myself more than a facebook status. No one should be in a hurry to get married and have children; instead everyone should figure out themselves first to then be able to share it with someone. Of course, there will always be those who fall in love in high school and mate for life, if it works for them then that’s good. But it didn’t work for me, I needed freedom much more than that.
If I take a little trip back in my life I can see how a serious commitment would have held me back, how I was not ready to let go of my goals just yet, and I don’t expect people to get it, I am happy with myself and loving where I stand. And let’s remember marriage is a choice and not an only way street. I am certain that it will come a day when someone will be worth to compromise, but until that day comes… I ain’t worried.
Cheers to that!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sweet Addiction
You are alone in your car and when their song plays you turn it up as loud as you can and scream from the top of your lungs, you wake up early on your day off because they are playing a new hit at some TV show, you subscribe to their newsletter so you know all that’s going on, you follow and reply to their tweets, you have all their CDs and DVDs and you also download the songs from iTunes, you don’t care how much the first row ticket is all you know is that you have to be there, you know their wife, kids, uncle and dog’s name, when you are at their concert and they play your favorite song you actually feel they’re playing just for you (you actually think the lyrics were based on your life) , when you were a teenager you had posters of them all over your wall and you dreamed how your kids would look like, if they don’t play a concert at your city you’ll travel to Finland (if needed) to see them, you camp outside the arena so you can be center stage, you listen to the same song so many times you know it by heart, you know songs that not even the band know how to sing anymore, you count down the days for the new album release, you spend hours on youtube watching live videos from all over the world…
Sounds familiar? If any of the things I said up there fits in then welcome to the fan life! I am not here to say what’s right or wrong, even because I am a huge fan of a band and I feel I’ll always be. Their lyrics and song have been part of my life and the way I feel when I am at their show is something only I know. If it’s a drug so let it be my sweet addiction, if it makes you feel good, I say do it!
“We weren’t born to follow, come on and get up of your knees, when life is a bitter pill to swallow you gotta stand up for what you Believe!”
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
How free is our world?

I am sure if you’re reading this wherever you are right now you could also see many cultures in your city and it’s good to see that people are going out there to see the world and learn on their own and not from books what the different is all about. But what aren’t we seeing here?
On the corner of West Pender and Thurlow, in the heart of Vancouver there’s the United States consulate. Just the other day I stopped for a coffee and some people watching, just right on that corner of all places and I saw this line up of people holding documents and being bossed around by a Chinese door man and of course, those people were applying for visas. Been there done that. And of course, the US is not the only country to ask for a visa but it is certainly the most terrifying one to ask for with the ten print and American wannabe door men, not to mention the rates of visa denials.
A visa is an indication that a person is authorized to enter the country which "issued" the visa, subject to permission of an immigration official at the time of actual entry….The possession of a visa is not in itself a guarantee of entry into the country that issued it, and a visa can be revoked at any time.
Now what makes me mad is how in the world someone can have the power of NOT letting you go freely in your own world? Yes it’s all very organize with the nationalities, taxes and labels but I am completely and 100 percent against the visa process nightmare that one have to go through to travel around a supposed “free world”. I’ve been in a lot of countries and I do think immigration check is necessary in a world of war – don’t even get me started on that – but it’s gotta be some other way to screen people. The right of come and go should be a human right because if you take a little trip to the south to see how not human the Brazilians are treated to see Mickey Mouse you’d take your kid to the Disneyland in Paris.
This is not a specific criticism to one country but to the whole visa issue, I had my share of that and I have seen many people shattered by it and it’s as bitter as it sound. I just want to say for the record I have friends from all over the world and I respect and care for every one of them, Americans, Canadians, Brazilians, Germans…we have to begin to act like ONE.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mother Bridge of Love
Most of us were lucky enough to come to this world having a family, being the traditional mom, dad and siblings, step-parents, grandparents... we had the right of being children, to play, go to school, have tantrums, listen or not (because we knew our parents would love us no matter what) pick what we wanted to eat, what clothes to wear, what theme we wanted for our birthday party that was filled with people, presents and balloons.
Imagine not having that. Imagine not knowing family, never having the comforting hug from a mom and a dad to teach you how to fly a kite, imagine going to bed every night wondering how it would be and what it was. Just the thought of it make my world crumble. Family is the foundation of a life and being corky or not we were all or most of all blessed enough to have one.
Being able to experience adoption so close for the first time I begin to see things in a different way, the belonging of a child and parents that did not form it. It amazes to see how well they belong together as they were meant to be. I believe they were. If you look at it at first you’d think how lucky this child was being adopted and having a new life (she was indeed) but so were the people who got to be mom and dad.
Once there were two women
Who hardly knew each other
One you do not remember
The other you call mother
Two different lives shaped to make yours one
One becoming your guiding star
The other became your sun
The first gave you life
And the second taught you to live in it
The first gave you a need for love
And the second was there to give it
One gave you nationality
The other gave you a name
One gave you the seed of talent
The other gave you an aim
One gave you emotions
The other calmed your fears
One saw your first sweet smile
The other dried your tears
The age old questions through the years;
Heredity or environment -which are you the product of ?
Both my darling – both
And two different kinds of love!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
So they say it's your birthday!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
What I don't want to lose along the way
If you think about it, the more you see the less you know and as much as it is important to go we should remain us, no matter how high the mountain you got to climb, when you get to the top, remain humble, don’t lose who you are, your essence, it’s one thing to improve and a whole other to turn your back. Respect the different and embrace the new that’s probably what Canada is all about, and as thankful I am to be here I know where I came from and where I stand, and I’d hate to see myself turning my back to all the little frames that made me who I am today.
I still have a long way to go but at least I know where I’ve been.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Six Mois!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Life changes like the weather
Few are those in life, that choose to sail away from their home path and out on the big waters, and when they first get their fingertips wet and get the wind on their faces they feel the freedom blowing so powerful and fast it feels like they can just change the world. And they can indeed. But it takes patience, and time, and strength, oh those tricky little things…
You gotta know though that every different path you choose will lead you to an ocean, it will be sparkly and wide and you will, for sure, feel small when you stand before it, but it will be exciting and new and you will always want more of it. Sometimes the waters will be peaceful and smooth and other times the waves will throw you out of your boat, and you will have no choice but to swim after it. It doesn’t matter how many times you get thrown out of your boat. Swim.
Either you believe or not that there’s a Master behind those waters, it’s really up to you, but the waters will always find their way and so will you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Now, what about the love you left behind? It follows you, it’s in you, you can’t touch it, you can’t see it but you feel it, and you feel it even more intense and brighter than before. It’s funny you know, the more you spread the love the more you seem to divide yourself into these pools and then you ask yourself where you really are, and you feel guilty to go and walk away and even with all that love around… your heart breaks.
The more you give, the more you have to give, the more people want from you; it’s a circle I guess. There’s not an answer to it all, the only thing that is certain is that wherever you planted your love it will grow and love you back and you will then become one, it doesn’t matter where your wings take you next or where you just find yourself at last.
“Because the world is way too big to be born and to die at the same place.”
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Is there a finish line?
Since it’s not the end but a step forward in life”.
I heard someone saying this the other day, and I thought about it and it’s such a true statement. It’s so good to have a wiggle room to move around, step back and look at it, fix it, re-do it, play with it a little bit. Life is so full of windows, opportunities, and different directions to go that I can’t help but breathe in and jump! I love it! I love how it’s not a race, and how it’s okay to make mistakes and try again and just let go if you want to. I love how it all fits together like a perfect puzzle in the end.
But is there really an end? I prefer to think not. I rather look at it as a step towards the bigger picture where you will have the chance to do it all again but with more grace. It can be scary sometimes, lonely, confusing but you’re alive and you can move on over those mountains to a brand new day!
So just wake up, open your eyes and your windows to life, live today and love who loves you, keep your head up on the clouds but your feet on the ground and don’t let anyone, anywhere tell you what to do. You’ve been given the gift of live, use it.
R.I.P. grandpa <3

"Oh the places you’ll go" Dr Seuss
You can get so confused
that you’ll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place…
…for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a sting of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.
That’s not for you!
Somehow you’ll escape
all that waiting and staying.
You’ll find the bright places
where Boom Bands are playing.
With banner flip-flapping,
once more you’ll ride high!
Ready for anything under the sky.
Ready because you’re that kind of a guy!
Oh, the places you’ll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. there are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
Fame! You’ll be famous as famous can be,
with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.
Except when they don’t.
Because, sometimes, they won’t.
I’m afraid that some times
you’ll play lonely games too.
Games you can’t win
’cause you’ll play against you.
All Alone!
Whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something
you’ll be quite a lot.
And when you’re alone, there’s a very good chance
you’ll meet things that scare you right out of your pants.
There are some, down the road between hither and yon,
that can scare you so much you won’t want to go on.
But on you will go
though the weather be foul
On you will go
though your enemies prowl
On you will go
though the Hakken-Kraks howl
Onward up many
a frightening creek,
though your arms may get sore
and your sneakers may leak.
On and on you will hike
and I know you’ll hike far
and face up to your problems
whatever they are.
You’ll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You’ll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life’s
a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.
And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3 / 4 percent guaranteed.)
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea,
you’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So…get on your way!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It's love.
This might be my fifth attempt to sit down and write about it. It seems I am just not able to put it down in words. So I’ll just live it open lined… I can’t find an end to it because I don’t want it to end.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A passing glance?
We usually reach for it when we are powerless before a mountain we need to overcome or when nothing else we tried worked out, and all these other moments in life when we need a hand or a push to move forward. Been there.
Personal enough, I am not here to impose or argue but I believe in God, I believe in things we can not see, like love. I believe there’s a power inside us and that we can do the impossible. And I am thankful for that each and every moment.
After going to the Rockies this summer and looking at the clearest water you’d think it was painted with a crayon and the outstanding mountains all spread out together in a valley surrounded by little rivers with calm water, you begin to think how amazing is the one who created all that.
The most amazing scenario it’s like walking into a painting in the wall and all the immensity of the overwhelming nature makes you feel so small in front of a world of giants. I love it. How good it is to feel defenseless yet protected. Trying to take it all in I came back from this trip appreciating more and more everyday I have to live.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
But mom, everyone else is doing it!
In fact, when I was a child I had my own little world, most of the times I wasn’t even aware of what was going on with the outsiders. I always had my own pace, my own style, my own principles, my own way of thinking. I was never the most popular kid, but I was certainly the most loved.
It’s funny to look back now and realize that so little had changed. I am not a little girl anymore, although my heart sometimes acts like it, but I still have my own world, it’s bigger, it has more taste to it and a kink of reality because that’s just good sense! It’s got plans, dreams, songs, speeches to myself, the moments I treasure, sunshine and even some bubbles.
Some might say it’s naïve but I like to have it there. It’s not as full as butterflies as it used to be, it has some bumps around the edge and sometimes it fades to gray, and the more I think of it, the closer to the real thing I get. Maybe I never had a different world; maybe I just have different eyes. Maybe I chose to look at the glass as half full. Maybe I like to lay down on the grass and look at the blue skies and just breathe in my life in the very moment. Maybe I do sing along with the songs in my head and I do smell the flowers and appreciate each day. Maybe I do still wait…
So I guess the world is a reflection of what you make out of it.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Canada!

I was a volunteer at the Canada Place and Canada Day Parade this last July 1st and although I might still not feel my toes, it was so much fun! I met people from all over the world and got to give away at least a thousand Canada Flags, it was a good day to celebrate this country that open many doors in many lives around the globe. I hope I get to help in many more Canada days to come!
I believe everyone should volunteer, should give some of their time to help around, give a helping hand, do whatever it’s needed to help, as someone I look up to a lot said someday “one soul at a time” and if we all do a little a whole lot can be done! So what if you don’t get paid, it opens doors for you in many other ways! Plus it’s a great feeling to be able to be useful out there in the real world.
I am happy. I am still trying to sense all these feeling rushing trough me, but I guess once you take one first step towards the journey of your life you’ll never be the same. It takes courage to face it but it’s gotta be worth it. Very proud of Patty and Renan for being willing to make the difference in their lives and take the difference with them and pass on to others. I am happy for both of you, after all you’re my people <3
O Canada!Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,O Canada,
we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A whole lot of leavin'
Times like these make me feel so small and so powerless. Not to be able to be there with one of the most important people in my life. My real friend, my sister by heart, one of the few people that know me completely, my secrets, my fears, my dreams and has always, no matter what been by my side. All I wanted right now was just to be there to hold her hand and I can’t, I am not. And I know she knows right now how much I wanted to give her a hug and tell her it will be okay. How much I am crying with her right now and the way she’s the one I want by my side when this ever happen to me.
They said it would be hard, but they never really tell you how hard it is to have to make all these choices, between your dream and the people that love you for real. The ones that will remain standing when all the rest fade away. All I know is that if I had a choice at this exact moment I would go running without looking back or doubting for even a minute to let go of what I have. It’s just so hard now to have my pot of gold and not be able to share with the ones I love the most.
Never thought it would be this hard. Te amo muito my friend, it may never be completely okay again but I want you to know I will always be there, if not in person, by heart and soul. I know you know how much I wanted to be with you right now. May God be with you at this very moment.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Vancouver, June 21st 2009 Coldplay Concert
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I have a thing for ferryboats!
I usually watch some random episodes on TV and that’s it but there’s some that I love so much, every single character and I have all the seasons to watch over and over again, of course I guess everyone’s favorite or at least mot people’s is F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I mean it’s my ultimate favorite, can’t get enough of it. Every time I watch I have a new favorite character, although if I really have to pick I’d marry Chandler like tomorrow so Matt Perry if you’re out there I am available.
And then I started to watch Gilmore Girls which is funny but very intelligent, every time you watch an episode you get a joke in a different way and I love how the girls are not just like the typical small city girls and how their lives do NOT revolve around men and how independent and smart it is. And I might be a big push for how caffeine addicted I am and Lauren Graham is my very personal favorite actress ever, plus if Stars Hollow was nothing but a studio I’d love to visit the Dragonfly Inn.

Anyway I am picky for TV but that’s just great entertainment people, I know I want a Mcdreamy for my Mclife! Ha!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This is now
When the plane landed in Charles de Gaulle it was almost midnight. The metro in Paris closes around this time. By the time I got my luggage and walked past the million hallways leading to the gates, the place was dead, the night was dark and icy cold, like December nights usually are. I was meeting my dad and he wasn’t where we had agreed to meet anymore, probably because my flight was three hours late and he was wondering around looking for me. So I tried contacting him and the hotel where the rest of us were and nothing, no luck. I was all alone in an empty airport with some weird people walking around and with no contact. If there was a right time to freak out it would be it.
So I put myself together and went to look for my dad that had to be somewhere at that airport. I noticed a guy about my age sleeping over his backpack on the floor and I passed him a couple times coming and going with no luck finding anyone or any help. Around 3am I had to stop because I was so tired. That’s when I found a phone in the information booth and called my mom in the hotel to let her know I was alright, after that I just sat down and hoped that my dad was ok and just lost as I was as well.
So as I sat hopeless staring at the floor, the sleeping-on-his-backpack guy came and sat beside me, he saw a Canadian flag on my backpack and started to speak English to me. He told me his story, that a friend had stood him up for New Year’s Eve, that he flew from the States to meet him and he never showed up, that he had no money and no place to sleep because his credit card got stuck into an ATM machine. So there we were, two strangers from two completely different parts of the world that, should these events hadn’t happened to us, would probably just had walked past each other.
He was my angel that night, he distracted me, made jokes when I was getting nervous about not knowing where in the world my dad was, we took turns sleeping, shared some chocolate and morning finally came and we took a cab to my hotel. We helped each other and spent the New Year’s together. My dad was also in the airport but in other terminal. But the thing is, I was not alone, I am never alone, somehow there’s always someone there in the most unexpected ways to pick me up, to talk me through the night, to kiss me better, coincidence? I think not.
It all depends what you believe in, maybe you think we were in the right place at the right time and that it was a pure coincidence that I couldn’t find my dad and that the ATM machine was broken, well as for me I believe that people get in your life in the exact time they’re supposed to and when you most need them to and there’s a reason for everything, for every leaf that falls down from a tree there’s a reason.
We keep trying to change life and what happens, we want things to have happened before, already or maybe later. We're never satisfied with now, I’ve been trying hard to change this in me, to live the moment and savour whatever it is that I am doing wherever I am doing it and whoever I am doing it with because life is short and we will miss this very moment in a little while.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Could be Blue, Could be Gray
As everything in life, everyone experiences things in a different way and time. And I am experiencing Vancouver again, for the second time and although it’s the same city, streets, trees… I am different. I see things in a different way and that makes me see this place in a whole different manner as well. I hadn’t realized I had changed so much. Babbling? Maybe, but it’s the truth. The only thing that never changes is that I always knew from day one that this is where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.
These feelings were rushing through my mind as I was riding a bike all around Stanley Park in a beautiful day, the park was full of people rollerblading, running, biking, sun bathing, having fun and I felt so good, so free, I wish I could put down in words what I felt looking far to the ocean until it joined the sky.
And as for all the new faces in my life right now, I know few will stick but I already know the ones that will like we were meant to be somehow. And how good it is to know you’re not alone in the dreams you’re holding? It’s like we met before it all began. I love this feeling of comfort ground. It’s almost like walking in a cold, soft sandy beach.
I am having the time of my life and I am so happy I didn’t let this slip through my hands as I could have done many times over. Never settle for the path of least resistance, so they say. I don’t care what the weather is, if I’ll get wet or have to run for cover. I am here now and I am so extremely happy I can barely keep my mouth from smiling all day long!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Attach vs. Detach
And of course, I lost myself in thought about everything around me and how the pieces are slowly falling back into place, how a different scenario at a same surround is not necessarily bad, and how the things you once feared are so easy to face now. And how, again, time’s been a friend and the normality is starting to set place in my heart again.
.Deep Breath. .Another Mountain. .Closer to the Top.
The thing with me is, I get attached. Not easily, believe me. But I get attach, to a place, to a house, to a gift, and especially to someone. And once I am attached it’s difficult to let go. When I look back the people around me, the ones that actually enchanted me are still around, the same friends and that old and ripped sweater that feels like part of your body. I don’t usually let people in my life, but when I do it’s forever.
That got me thinking about some situations in life when you go too far and get too attached and then it’s so stuck on you that it hurts to detach. You can, of course, let go but it’s not the most fun thing to experience. Then I ask myself, so then why in the world would you ever get attached?
After a silent stare outside of the same window, but with a different mountain staring back at me, I realized that I don’t want to live my life in fear of getting hurt or to have a bunch of “what ifs” and doubts in my mind. I don’t want to leave things unsaid, or not to hug when all I wanted to do was open my arms, I don’t want to be afraid.
I want to live my life in the fullest way I can ever live. And if to be true to myself and the people around me means taking a chance of getting hurt, then so be it. I rather get attached than never knowing how it feels like.
Awesome long-weekend up in Whistler by the way. You rock girlie!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Because I Care

Gotta love the blue skies with the chilly mountain wind and grass under your feet.
How good is it to hang out with people that make you feel at home? Just simple little gestures that make you feel welcome and loved. You laugh, you breathe, you feel happy to be in your skin and it brings you to life.
It’s funny how so many different people fit so well together, kinda completing each other. Times like these make me still believe in people, in how I need to be around love in my life. Not a needy kinda love but just knowing it is there.
And you can be yourself, which is pretty much the best thing in the world. Just be who you are. I am not capable of fake. I either am or not. I either feel or don’t.
I am SO so extremely happy, I can hardly get a grip of how amazing my life is right now.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Any Other Day

Picture taken by me - London Winter 2008
Just one of those mornings…
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Remember Me?
It all started when my cousin told me about these series of books called "Shopaholic" and I thought...well it must be a boring book about a girl who likes to shop?! Nope! It's about an ordinary girl called Becky Bloom, she's a Londoner (gotta love London) and it's just a kind of book you can never put down. I started to read the first one and all i have to say is that now I have the whole collection and I read over and over. It makes me laugh, cry, feel... it's amazing. It's real and the feeling that what you're reading can happen to you any minute is even more exciting...
So, after I pretty much majored in all the Shopaholic Series books I started to look for some other books that S.K. has written and one of the books I just bought is called "Remember Me", the main character is not Becky Bloom anymore but it's Lexi Smart and again it all happens in the streets of London. I have a lovin' spot for London. Always...
If you want a fun reading that makes you want to turn the page and never stop reading then I recommend the author. It's pretty much a only-girls-will-fully-understand kind of book but what do guys know anyway?
It seems like everything that has been happening lately, being a book, a movie, a song, a situation links to my life, somehow.
Here's to my favorite quotes in the very end:
-"You said you needed a memory. A thread linking us to us. Now you have one"
Monday, May 4, 2009
If you put your trust in something or someone you have to know it’s not only up to you. Both sides have to move, act, realize, want it.
It takes a little while to grip, but you will eventually let it go and just move on. If it’s supposed to happen it will or it just wasn’t meant to be. Just do your part and go on with your life. Don’t stand still waiting for it. It might put you in a vulnerable place you don’t want to be. ever.
Whatever happens tough, do not blame yourself. It was not your issue, not your problem, you went half way, you did your part, whatever you’re not able to control should just meet you in the middle. And if it didn’t, it was not time yet.
Don’t raise your expectations so high in people, the higher you go biggest the fall. Just take everything slow, one step at the time. Just go as far as you can to still grasp the present. Words without actions will fade.
I believe there’s a right time and place for everything. I’ve experienced this many times in my life. I’m writing this for a dear friend of mine and looking at it now it fits quite well for me as well.
Whatever your beliefs and values are in life, believe and value yourself first.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stare or Jump?
walk barefoot on the grass.
enjoy the sun shinin' down on you.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Vancouver Main Street
But, I have to say I am loving being close to everything. And to get to know some pieces and bits about Vancouver I did not know before. Just like Main Street, about two blocks from my house in the east side of the city. The streets, packed with town houses are covered with trees and it’s quiet and peaceful, you’d never think that if you’d walk some blocks you’d find the heart of Vancouver.
All the way down Main there are little shops, book stores, antiques, coffee places, local markets, you can find just about anything. Every little door has its unique charm. It’s easily becoming one of my favorite places in here. Just today I went into a bid shop and got the cutest little bids to hang on my bed. It was all handmade and with a story behind them. That’s just way better than going to an around-the-world-store-brand at some mall and getting something everyone else is going to have.
The vintage, old – fashioned restaurants are as good as it sounds. And how great is it to find food from all over the place down in one street? The bubble tea place was packed and I had to try the green tea, which surprisingly was very good, I tend to be kinda picky with drinks, actually I am picky. But that’s a whole other issue.
So I sat down to do some people watching and there were people in a hurry to get somewhere, some Chinese people talking (or could as well be fighting) to one another, some girls jogging with their iPods on, some people at a coffee shop enjoyin’ the sun with their notebooks, a couple strollin’ a baby down the road and looking for new furniture, just a typical day in a chill city. I only walked for a couple blocks but I got in every single store there was and I plan to do that more times.
You can only call yourself a Vancouverite when you walked down Main Street and had a cup of coffee at J J Bean!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Taking Chances
Sometimes life throws situations at you, that you were not expecting, when everything is going smoothly, something comes along and you’re torn between choices. But eh, that’s life, it was not on script, not according to plans but it’s here now and it’s real. And then if you are in a crossroad in life with two roads to follow, which one would you choose?
Follow your heart. That’s my personal answer. I try not to look at things as difficult or easy. If it will take time, then be it. If you’ll have to work on it and give your all, do it. If you believe and it’s worth the shot don’t over analyze it. The lessons you learn along the way are never the ones you planned anyway.
Many people want to change their lives but they have to know that in the end it’s really up to them to cross the road. And among those people maybe one will really do what they say, the rest will probably just stay where it’s more comfortable because why change, really? It’s good, NOT great, but good enough. I don’t like good enough, but that’s me.
Of course I already took chances in life, or else I wouldn’t be here right now. And if your choices are what your future will be then make sure to choose what you see when you close your eyes, what you think about when you lay down at night, what gives you butterflies in your stomach, what makes you feel alive, because if you never try you’ll never know how it feels like.
And if something goes wrong along the way, you have the ability to fix it. If you fall, hopefully you’ll have someone by your side to help you stand again. I guess I rather walk down the road to see where it leads than just staring at it wondering what if...
And by the way, I am so in love with the spring right now. I’ll probably go take a walk because it’s sunny, it’s blooming and it’s so pretty!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Savour it
Although it depends on what the city means to you, how you feel walking down the streets and what you can get from it. For me it was always about freedom and independence. About building my future, starting again in a completely different set from the one I was born in, to accomplish something good by myself. I don’t believe there has ever been anything I was more sure in my life than to be here.
I found out a while ago that some things have the healing power in my life. Just the other day I had so much on my mind and I went to take a walk at Stanley Park on a sunny day - there’s not a better place to be - I got there and it was stunning, just the way it used to be, but better.
And as I walked alone trying to take everything in and clear my mind for a bit, I just sat at this bench out looking the city. I don’t remember how long I was seated there for but I knew I never wanted to leave. It’s good to know that even when it’s all so tangled up, somehow I feel better just being here.
I’ve been reading a book where a girl gets into an accident and loses her memory, she can only remember the things that really touched her heart, and a trip to Paris is all that comes to her mind, and that’s where the most meaningful things happened in her life. She knows it will take her a while to have everything back in place but until then she’ll be okay because she has Paris.
And I guess for me, well I’ll always have the city where the mountains kiss the ocean…that’s how I know it will be okay.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Frame of Time
You can’t hold time. You can’t make it stand still. I swear, if I could, I would freeze some moments in time. I had to learn to accept time as a friend, something that makes you understand, it makes you stronger, it makes you grow. It always comes on the right set, even when you think otherwise. And strangely enough, only time can show you that it wasn’t in fact the right time.
And how hard is it to wait for the right time, for a better time. Maybe the greater lesson of my life so far, to wait. It can be tricky to wait for something you want with all your soul, you have to let go, but only so far that you can still reach – maybe just to look at it sometimes – until the day comes that you can grab it with both hands.
You only know that something is real when it stands through the time. When after all the while is still there, somehow, and why try to understand? If it still remains there’s a reason and only time will tell.
Me, well I am happy to find that all the love I took with me, also stayed behind in the eyes of the ones that matter. And I look up to and respect those people so much and they don’t even know how their warmth makes the whole difference in my life. Especially, of course, from someone I’ve seen turned into an awesome person but to me will always be a little girl.
I guess this proves that if you give your all to something or someone it will come back to you. Few are the people I love for real and I am so unbelievably blessed to have them in my life.
Because in the end, all we need is love.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Rainy Days
I guess just like the drops falling down on you, so is life pourin' down on you. You never know what's waiting around the corner. But it's never going to be only sunshine, so I guess we should alway be prepared? Or maybe just dance in the rain while waiting for the blue skies. I think I like the second option better.
So all this babblin' about is because I am back to a new start. It would be SO much easier to just go back to the start, where things used to be not so complicated. Where everything was there to be touched and nothing was sacred. But right now, well everything's changed. Never thought they wouldn't. But also never thought it would be this hard.
It's hard to get used to the same thing. To start again. To realize that the world was still goin' around on this side of the world. To walk down the same streets again, the places that keep so many of your thoughts from a little while ago, and somehow does it feel like yesterday? Do I still have the same things on my mind? Probably not or actually pretty sure so.
If I am still the same, can all the rest also be? There's just so much on my mind right now. All I know is that as hard as it is and will be I am here, where I always wanted to be. And this feeling of belongin' when I stare at the ocean... that could never change.
In such a small frame of time I've already had moments I will remember for the rest of my life. And I guess that's all that really matters in the end. And as a song that has been on my mind goes:
the meaning of love in my life