Monday, August 31, 2009


Some things are meant to be in you forever. As well as some people, they are part of you, of who you are, your essence, your personality, your safe place, your road home… if you plant your love only at one place, it’s safe and sound and you know it’s there all the time because you see it, you touch it. But if you take your love with you and spread it around then you multiply it and have it even more. Believe me, it’s never too much.

Now, what about the love you left behind? It follows you, it’s in you, you can’t touch it, you can’t see it but you feel it, and you feel it even more intense and brighter than before. It’s funny you know, the more you spread the love the more you seem to divide yourself into these pools and then you ask yourself where you really are, and you feel guilty to go and walk away and even with all that love around… your heart breaks.

The more you give, the more you have to give, the more people want from you; it’s a circle I guess. There’s not an answer to it all, the only thing that is certain is that wherever you planted your love it will grow and love you back and you will then become one, it doesn’t matter where your wings take you next or where you just find yourself at last.

“Because the world is way too big to be born and to die at the same place.”