Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Great White North and I

Since I seem to be too wired to sleep today due to my three cappuccinos I might as well just use my time and write. This past weekend was my eight month anniversary back in Canada. I thought I should take some time to write down how I ended up in the North lands of Canada!

Once upon a time (because every good story begins like this) I wanted to experience life in a different country, so I went for an interchange in the US for high school and fell in love with English, so everything in my life pretty much revolved around it, I started my major in University in Arts and Languages and also started to teach. A little later I wanted to travel again (because just like a tattoo once you set foot in a different land you can never stop) so I started to look into many au pair programs, because all I wanted was to spend a year away from home and by myself.

I found a website, nowadays known by many, and started to browse for families all over the world, I didn’t really have a specific place I wanted to be, I just knew I wanted to go. Finally I decided I was going to New Zealand to spend a year with this super cool family, I was very excited and making plans, it was kinda hard to choose, I was between Auckland, London or Melbourne. But I had made my decision and the family sent over half of the money for the airfare.

Then all of the sudden I get this e-mail, “family from Canada has just added you to their hot list” (I bet now you know what website I’m talking about) I knew nothing about Canada, apart from the fact that it was cold, and above the US… I already had a position so I didn’t pay much attention to it. So I opened my e-mail and there was an e-mail from the same family, talking a little about their family, their life and at the very bottom there was a picture of a little girl.

Now, needleless to say I sent the money back to the New Zealand family and took a flight to Canada. And it was far the best decision I’ve ever made. I stayed in Canada for a while and it changed my life. It changed me for better, my way of see the world, my attitude, my goals in life; it opened my eyes to a world that I didn’t know it was out there.
Eventually I had to go back to Brazil to close some doors I left opened, and although against my wish it was good to go back, to make sure this was really what I wanted. To finish what I had to and give it another start.
So after three long years, after having Canada coming my way by accident, I am back for good. Back to where I always felt I belong to, to in my opinion the best place on Earth. I am back where I always wanted to be, and even if sometimes I doubt this and that, the core of it is never changing. I love Canada and always will.

Few words: Now after my open letter, lots of things changed in my life during my time back home, and although Vancouver is still the same (except now we have Canada line and the Olympics!) I am not. I changed, I learned and grew up in many ways, and I just found out about it when I was back here. What use to be essential now is a choice, what used to be ideal now is a point of view, so much less mean so much more nowadays, I’ve seen more and I learned how to find the good everywhere you are. I’ve also learned in a very hard way that once you go wherever once you come back it’s never the same, and you will always, without a doubt, miss someone all the time. But that should not stop you from going. You will always have sunshine but also the days you cry with the rain, nothing is certain in life but are the product of your choices.

Few things I am sure in life, one of them is CANADA!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pieces and Crumbles

Unpredictability, one of life’s best gadgets…or not? Having the hardest time here to answer this question myself. “Make plans, but make them in pencil” there’s never been a most useful statement for this very moment, truth is you never know what’s waiting for you around the corner, what life’s gonna bring you in a silver tray and you will have no choice to just pass it along. No, no, no you’re gonna have to swallow it down. Either good or bad, it is what it is.

Among everything that life throws at you, some will lift you up and some will break you down, and as we learn to call it as we see, we also start to build up on all these pieces of us that are either high or on the floor. All of the sudden you have your handful and then what? Scream, cry, sleep on it, storm off, over-think, whatever gets you kicking and back on your feet.

It all depends on how you look at it; some say that for those who feel, life is tragic and for those who think, it’s comic. Maybe we all need to find the balance between the comical and tragic, if there’s a line it’s a silver one. When life sucks to its max and that tiny little cloud seems to be raining only down your head, shake it off, look around it rains down on everyone, no exceptions… while we wait for the sun we’re gonna have to get wet, for some things there’s really no way out. Grab your umbrella and step outside because life doesn't wait for the weather to get better!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

FEAR, what a little thing?

The fall has definitely arrived in Vancouver, most of the leaves are on the floor, the days are getting shorter and scarves, gloves and boots are everyday accessories now. It has also started to rain, you no longer see people on the streets but umbrellas. After the pumpkin carving and Halloween fun we’re left stuffing our face with chocolate and hot cocoa under a blanket. I love the colors of the fall in a sunny day, but this darker weather has been getting to me. It’s been a while that I don’t experience it, so my mood is trying to adjust with the season. And of course, everyday get sticky, yucky and sneeze.

It’s been windy and you can see the leaves flying about from the trees and getting stuck everywhere… but what’s really going around these days more than the H1N1 flu is the fear of it. No one seems to know exactly what to do about the flu shot, and as the line ups at the clinics get longer and more people get symptoms, the things just get worst. The swine flu pandemonium is out! While some believe that’s some government knack to approve medical, others believe it’s the pharmaceutical area that want the money, everyone including myself keep going back and forth in this nonsense.

Side effects? No more so than any other shot I’d say. I guess after listening to what many people have to say I’ve made up my mind and I will go for it and get a poke. If there’s a way to protect your body… than why make it go through it?

More information about the H1N1

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Maaah Cranky Bear!

Couple days ago my little girl turned 9! And if she only knew what she is and can be in her life and the difference she makes in everyone around her, she’d shine even more.
I still remember the little blond hair miss attitude 3-year-old that came into my life and turned my days into sunshine, I can still hear her little steps coming down stairs to my room holding her Pooh Bear, to wake up with her sleeping by my side because she had a bad dream, her awesome personality bigger than herself and if there’s one thing she taught me is that love can overcome oceans. It really can.
She’s one of the main reasons I am back here now and she’s part of me and will always be. So happy birthday to the love of my life! I can’t wait to see you everyday in a little while…